woman looking up thinking of detox before rehab

Do You Need Detox Before Rehab?

When dealing with a substance use issue, you may wonder if you need detox before rehab. Some people may not be sure what the differences are between drug detox and a rehab program.

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man grabbing his head needing drug detox

4 Signs You Need Drug Detox

Struggling with drug addiction is a challenge. Maybe you have had a substance use issue in your life for some time now, but you’re not sure if you need a drug detox program.

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client asking doctor about medical detox

How to Choose Between At-Home vs. Medical Detox

If you are struggling with addiction, then it is likely that you have considered quitting. Taking that first step of admitting there is a problem and acknowledging you need help is critical to later success and long-term recovery.

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client filling out form for medical detox

4 Benefits of Medical Detox

If you are beginning the journey of coming off any type of substance, you may have considered going through medical detox. Many people complete a medical detox program once they determine that they are ready to make a permanent break from drugs or alcohol.

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Medical staff at Summit Detox attend to a patient experiencing heroin withdrawal

What’s the Typical Heroin Withdrawal Timeline?

When addiction strikes an individual, they often feel like they are isolated, alone in their struggle. But, if you or a loved one is suffering from heroin addiction, you’re not alone.

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woman taking benzo pill without knowing What Are Benzos

What Are Benzos?

What are benzos? They are a synthetic medication that relaxes the nerves in the central nervous system. The primary function of benzos is to reduce the symptoms associated with seizures, anxiety, panic attacks, or similar conditions.

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woman crouched in bed suffering the Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

8 Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

Do you binge drink regularly? If so, it can have a lasting impact on your health. The long-term effects of alcohol can impact virtually every area of your life, including your health, relationships, career, finances, and emotional or mental state.

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opiate vs opioid prescription bottles and pills

Opiate vs. Opioid: What Is the Difference?

What is the difference between opiate vs. opioid? The term opiate refers to any drug that is extracted naturally from the poppy plant.

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teen girl wondering What Is a Drug Overdose

What Is a Drug Overdose?

High dosages of a drug can overwhelm the normal functioning of the body. An accidental overdose occurs when one takes more quantities of a drug than they intended.

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