
Mental health disorders make it more difficult to maintain positive relationships, succeed in the workplace and reach your personal goals. In some cases, mental illness also puts your physical safety at risk, as is the case with disorders that cause suicidal thoughts or increase the risk of self-harm. If a mental illness is interfering with your life, it’s important to seek professional treatment rather than try to manage your symptoms alone.

Professional treatment is important because you gain access to trained professionals who know exactly what you’re going through. Instead of suffering through mood swings, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and other symptoms, you can get the support you need to make a positive change. During treatment, you also meet other people with the same problems, making you feel less alone as you begin your recovery.

At Summit Detox, we offer inpatient mental health treatment to help individuals recover from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other conditions. If you need help recovering from a mental health condition, the trained professionals at our Boynton Beach rehab center can help.


Individual therapy session during inpatient mental health treatment


Understanding Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

Inpatient mental health treatment is the most intensive form of treatment available. Instead of trying to fit therapy sessions, group meetings and other activities around your regular schedule, you live in a treatment facility for a few weeks at a time. While you’re in inpatient treatment, you have regular access to trained staff members, ensuring you receive exactly the right amount of support. Participating in residential treatment can also help you improve your coping skills, repair damaged family relationships and overcome other challenges.

What to Expect During Residential Mental Health Treatment

If you decide to enroll in residential treatment, it’s important to understand what to expect. When you first arrive, you’ll meet with staff members to discuss your medical and mental health history. This helps treatment providers determine the extent of your symptoms and the best way to treat them. You’ll receive a personalized treatment plan, which may include medications, therapy sessions and other activities to help you begin the recovery process. Inpatient treatment centers usually have doctors, nurses, social workers, therapists and other staff members available to monitor your progress and provide ongoing support.

When you’re in residential treatment, you typically follow a similar routine each day. This routine is important as it gives you a sense of structure. Following a daily routine may also help you avoid boredom, improve your impulse control and increase your self-esteem. All these changes are important for a successful recovery. Your routine may include therapy sessions, group meetings, therapeutic activities and meals with other residents. Most programs also set aside plenty of time for physical activity and self-reflection.

Types of Inpatient Mental Health Care

Hospitalization and residential treatment are the two main types of inpatient mental health care. If you choose hospitalization, you’ll stay in the mental health unit of a local hospital. Some people would rather stay in a homelike environment than a clinical environment, prompting them to choose residential treatment instead. Residential drug treatment gives you access to trained professionals in a more comfortable setting. If you enroll in residential treatment, you’ll also have access to a broader range of activities, such as weekly movie nights and outdoor recreation.

Choosing the Right Residential Treatment Program for Mental Health Disorders

When you’re ready to begin your recovery, it’s important to choose the right residential treatment program for your needs. You should look for a program that gives you access to experienced professionals and a wide variety of therapeutic services. The location of the treatment facility is also an important consideration. Some people prefer somewhere close to home, though others prefer to go out of state to get a fresh start.

Insurance Coverage for Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, mental health services are considered “essential health benefits.” This means ACA-compliant insurance plans must provide at least some coverage for mental health care. In other words, your insurance company may pay for a large portion of your treatment expenses. The exact level of coverage depends on your plan, so call one of our treatment specialists today to verify your insurance and help explain what your plan covers.


Putting the cross block on top concept image for health insurance coverage


FAQs About Inpatient Treatment for Mental Health Disorders

What are the benefits of inpatient mental health treatment?

One of the main benefits of inpatient mental health treatment is that you get to focus on your recovery without any distractions. You don’t have to worry about rushing home from work or taking time off from school to get the services you need, reducing the risk of relapse. Staying at an inpatient treatment center also helps you avoid situations that make your condition worse. If you engage in substance abuse to cope with family dysfunction or other stressful circumstances, for example, inpatient treatment gives you a chance to improve your coping skills before you return to your usual environment.

How do I know if I need inpatient mental health care?

You may need inpatient mental health treatment if any of the following apply:

  • You have suicidal thoughts.
  • You’ve been cutting or engaging in other forms of self-harm.
  • Your mental illness hasn’t improved despite trying many outpatient behavioral health services.
  • Your mental health symptoms are so severe that they present a danger to other people.
  • You have difficulty working, going to school or performing other daily activities due to the severity of your mental illness.
  • You have a mental health condition paired with a substance use disorder. This is known as a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis.
  • Your condition causes psychotic episodes.

How long is an inpatient mental health stay?

Although mental health disorders have many symptoms in common, every person is unique. When you arrive at the inpatient treatment center, you’ll undergo a thorough assessment to determine what type of care you need. The recommended length of stay will depend on the severity of your symptoms and what services you need to begin your recovery. For example, you may have to stay longer if you need to recover from both substance abuse and depression. There’s no “magic number” that applies to every person.

How can I pay for inpatient mental health treatment?

If you need inpatient mental health treatment, you have several payment options. Many people use their health insurance to cover part or all of their stay. The level of coverage available depends on which plan you have, so contact your insurance company for more information. If you don’t have insurance or your insurance only covers part of your mental health treatment program, you may be able to take out a personal loan or qualify for a medical credit card. Another option is to use some of your savings or ask family members to help you with the cost of high-quality treatment.

What types of therapy are offered during mental health treatment?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is one of the most common types of therapy offered in an inpatient mental health setting. During a CBT session, you work with a therapist to overcome some of the harmful thought patterns and behaviors that have been holding you back. CBT also helps you develop better coping skills, making it a little easier to deal with stress. You may also participate in motivational interviewing, a collaborative process in which a trained therapist listens and provides feedback as needed. Motivational interviewing is helpful for people who engage in high-risk behaviors, including severe substance abuse.

How do I prepare for inpatient mental health treatment?

Before you come to the treatment center, make arrangements for child care and pet care, if needed. You should also submit a request for time off from work and ask family members or friends to keep an eye on your house. When you’re ready to pack, make sure you include comfortable clothing and footwear, toiletries and prescription medications. All medications should be in their original bottles with the prescription labels intact. Although you’ll spend most of your time in treatment, you should also bring books or magazines so you have something to do during your downtime. 

Are visitors allowed during residential mental health treatment?

In most cases, visitors are allowed during inpatient mental health treatment. Visiting hours may be limited, especially when you first arrive, but family involvement is an important part of the recovery process. When family members visit you, they may have the opportunity to participate in family therapy, resulting in improved relationships. Visitors can also provide extra support as you get ready to make the transition from the treatment center back to your home. Overall, having visitors can help you repair damaged relationships and make plans for a brighter future.

What types of mental health conditions are treated in inpatient care?

Inpatient treatment is suitable for a wide variety of primary mental health disorders. You may benefit from inpatient care if you have any of the following:


Young man showing different moods concept image for bipolar disorder


Aftercare and Follow-Up Support Following Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

Inpatient mental health treatment is a good first step, but it’s not the only step you need to take to address your mental health problems. Once you complete an inpatient program, you need continued support to avoid relapse and ensure you can apply what you learned in treatment. For example, you need to be able to apply the coping skills you learned in therapy any time you’re faced with stressful circumstances. Aftercare reduces the risk of relapse by ensuring you have ongoing support from experienced mental health treatment professionals.

Aftercare typically includes follow-up counseling and participation in outpatient support groups. The type of counseling you receive depends on your mental health history and current symptoms. For example, many people participate in CBT, but you may benefit from eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy if you have a history of trauma.

Support groups have many benefits for people recovering from mental health disorders. For example, attending group meetings helps you strengthen your support network, reducing your risk of relapse. NAMI is one of the most well-known mental health support groups, but there are other options available.

Why Summit Detox Is One of the Best Inpatient Mental Health Facilities in Florida

Summit Detox is one of the best inpatient mental health facilities in Florida because it provides an elevated level of care. Many of our staff members are in recovery, so they understand exactly how mental illness affects your everyday life. They use their personal knowledge and specialized training to deliver individualized, compassionate care to everyone who comes through our doors.

At Summit Detox, we also provide a safe, secure environment, which helps residents feel as comfortable as possible as they work through their mental health symptoms, substance use and past trauma. Once you settle in, you’ll have many opportunities to meet with therapists, participate in therapeutic activities and form positive relationships with other residents. These activities give you the confidence you need to manage your mental health symptoms and prepare to return to your community once your inpatient program ends.

What makes us different from other treatment centers is that our staff members go out of their way to help residents form authentic connections and learn how to respond appropriately to stress. We offer movie nights, pizza days and other activities to help you remember how enjoyable life can be when your mental health symptoms are under control.

If you need help recovering from anxiety, depression, PTSD or another mental health disorder, we’re ready to help. Start your journey to recovery now with Summit Detox. Contact us at (888) 995-5265 to learn more about our services or schedule your admission.

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