
Drug Detox & Addiction Treatment for Residents Living in Lantana, Florida

Get Help Now to Overcome Addiction and Achieve Permanent Sobriety!

 (888) 995-5265

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 (888) 995-5265

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We are ready to help you find relief.

 (888) 995-5265

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Lantana Rehab and Detox Center

Put Your Faith in Our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Specialists

Recovery experts at our nationally accredited drug and alcohol rehab facility in Boynton Beach, FL, just a short drive from Lantana, provide counseling, psychiatric care, case management, yoga, art therapy, and other dependency solutions. These rehabilitation services are extremely valuable if you have a co-occurring disorder with your addiction, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or eating disorders. Our team will also take your vital signs at various points during your detoxification program to assess your health and well-being.

Preventing relapse and achieving long-term sobriety after withdrawing from drugs and alcohol is possible when you complete our holistic, comprehensive, and customizable recovery treatments. As well as participating in therapeutic activities, including group therapy, you’ll get specialist support from our therapist team and foster long-lasting and positive relationships with other residents in your program. Summit Detox can also help you return to your life after completing treatment.

Your Road to Sober Living Starts at Summit Detox in South Florida

Summit Detox doesn’t provide a “quick fix” to your addiction. Instead, we help you unravel the root cause of your substance use and provide access to a therapist and other specialists who help you seek recovery and lead a more positive life. Together, we can break your cycle of addiction.

We know that overcoming a substance use disorder alone won’t work for most people. You need holistic and evidence-supported therapies and a support group that understands what you’re going through. If you want to beat your addiction once and for all, contact us now.

We accept most major health insurance policies for our services, including:

  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • VA Community Care

Interested in our alcohol and drug detox for residents in Lantana, FL? Call (888) 915-0019 to start the healing process. This first step in your recovery journey might be hard, but our therapists and specialists are waiting to help you.

