calendar date being circled to mark how long does detox take

How Long Does Detox Take?

Detoxing from alcohol or drugs involves removing toxic substances from the body while managing the withdrawal symptoms that occur simultaneously. Detoxing typically takes three to ten days. However, a more severe addiction can extend detox by several weeks or even months. Therefore, you need to know what to expect during detox before you begin the detox process.

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alcoholic dementia, man with face in his hands

What is Alcoholic Dementia?

Friends often come and go, but family is something we can never overlook. This makes watching a loved one experience alcoholism that much harder. Recognizing the issue is the first step in helping someone with recovery, so knowing how to spot an alcoholic family member is imperative. The following signs could indicate a problem, and by identifying them, you can take steps towards helping fix it.

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klonopin side effects, girl sitting on bed with head in her hands

Klonopin Side Effects

Klonopin is a benzodiazepine that doctors prescribe for a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can relieve some symptoms of seizures or epilepsy. It is a common drug that people take for seizure disorders or panic disorders. While Klonopin is beneficial to help these conditions, there are also severe Klonopin side effects to keep in mind.

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definition of sobriety, women refusing a drink

Definition of Sobriety

For many people, sobriety is a process of transitioning from addiction to recovery. That process may include stages such as detox, rehab, and extended care. Still, within those three stages lie several smaller steps that create a lifelong journey. Regardless of how you view sobriety, the key is to set that as the defining benchmark in breaking the cycle of addiction.

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percocet high effects on girl playing with pills

Percocet High Effects

People often use Percocet in ways that it was not intended. For instance, they may grind up the pill into a fine powder that they can snort or inject. Snorting the drug can speed up the Percocet high, as it enters the central nervous system quickly. A Percocet high can be as powerful as the euphoric effects of heroin. 

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First Night, people enjoying sparklers

First Night at Rehab: What to Expect

For many people, getting through the nights can be difficult. It is not unusual for patients to have insomnia that may last several nights in a row. The primary reason for this is that rehab is a significant paradigm shift. Your life as you knew it no longer exists. Your new path to recovery is just beginning.

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How to spot an alcoholic family member

How to Spot an Alcoholic Family Member

Friends often come and go, but family is something we can never overlook. This makes watching a loved one experience alcoholism that much harder. Recognizing the issue is the first step in helping someone with recovery, so knowing how to spot an alcoholic family member is imperative. The following signs could indicate a problem, and by identifying them, you can take steps towards helping fix it.

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alcoholism signs, person looking at a drink

Alcoholism Signs

Alcoholism signs are not always easy to identify. One reason for this is that some people are good at hiding their addiction. Another reason may stem from our preconceived stereotypes of an alcoholic looks/acts like. Still, another reason is that most people do not know what to look for. 

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ambien withdrawl, man sitting on floor overwhelmed

Ambien Withdrawal

Ambien abuse continues to rise in the U.S., as more people become aware of its euphoric and relaxing effects. Furthermore, many patients will increase the dosage as the effects of the medication wear off. This leads to dependency and a full-blown addiction.

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