
Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

man with head resting on alcohol bottle suffering the Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

There are many dangers of alcohol withdrawal and many people often choose to continue to drink rather than suffer the onset of withdrawal symptoms. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that about 16.6 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder. While 87% of individuals above 18 years and older have consumed alcohol.

The continued consumption of alcohol leads to dependence, which might be very hard to break. Drinking alcohol occasionally may not have any withdrawal symptoms. However, if you’re an alcoholic, quitting may result in very severe symptoms. This is why seeking a medical detox program is necessary.

Cause of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol slows down brain function and even limits the central nervous system. As one continues to abuse alcohol, the body becomes adapted to having it in its system. The central nervous system has to work extra hard to ensure the mental faculties remain high. When such an individual suddenly discontinues alcohol use, their brain stays heightened and withdrawal symptoms begin kicking in.

Alcohol also affects the level of dopamine in the brain. When a person continually drinks, these alterations in dopamine levels become dependent on the presence of alcohol in the blood. When the individual stops drinking, it adversely affects or stops the production of dopamine.

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms may range from mild to dangerous. It is much safer and more comfortable to go through withdrawal symptoms at an alcohol detox center.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol usually kick in more than six hours after the last drink. The dangers of alcohol withdrawal can be seen in three distinct stages.

The First Stage

This stage happens after the body realizes that there is no more alcohol in the blood. It occurs first and its symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite, mood swings, nausea, and slight tremors.

The Second Stage

This stage has more severe symptoms. The symptoms include high body temperature, mental disorientation, sweating, heightened mood swings, high blood pressure, and irritability.

The Third Stage

This is the last stage and it is where the dangers of alcohol withdrawal become more apparent. It can occur between 2-3 days after the last drink. The symptoms include hallucinations, agitation, fever, seizures, high heart rate, very heavy sweating, and severe confusion.

The withdrawal symptoms in the last stage often occur in patients who have a long history of alcohol addiction.

Alcohol Treatment Programs at Summit Detox Center

The dangers of alcohol withdrawal may result in permanent damage or even death. It is extremely important to go to a medical facility. This will give you access to the care you need.

Some of the programs available for alcohol detox at Summit Detox include:

  • Alcohol detox program: This helps manage withdrawal symptoms for those suffering from alcohol abuse or addiction. The program also helps patients who may suffer from delirium tremens.
  • Men’s and women’s detox program: This program provides gender-specific treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Inpatient detox program: This is for individuals who have more severe withdrawal symptoms.
  • Alcohol addiction treatment: This treatment provides additional physical and psychological support after detox.

These programs help you or your loved one get through the detoxification process in one piece.

Learn About the Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal and Lead a Better Life Today

There are many dangers of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Don’t go through it alone. This doesn’t mean only relying on friends or family; they may not know what to do when there are serious complications. Contact Summit Detox today by calling (888) 995-5265 to start your journey to recovery.

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