
How Do I Prepare for Residential Addiction Treatment?

Prepare for Residential Addiction Treatment

Deciding to get substance abuse treatment is one of the most important things you’ll do in your life. Embarking on the recovery process puts you on a journey of gaining control over your drug abuse problems and improving your physical and mental health.

If you’re about to receive residential drug rehab, you might wonder, “How do I prepare for residential addiction treatment?” These five tips from the treatment team at Summit Detox will help you prepare for residential rehab.

Do I Need to Go to Rehab?

Understanding why you need residential treatment programs will help you set achievable goals for recovery and take full advantage of the treatment resources available at your preferred treatment facility.

These are some signs indicating that you need to go to rehab:

  • You constantly crave drugs or alcohol.
  • You lack control over when or how much you drink or use drugs.
  • Drug or alcohol abuse interferes with personal, familial, social and professional relationships.
  • You feel the impact of drug abuse on your mental and physical health.
  • Withdrawal symptoms affect other efforts to remain sober.

Benefits of Substance Abuse Rehab Treatment

The type of environment found at residential treatment facilities provides a recovering addict with all the resources necessary to undergo drug rehab successfully.

Some of the benefits of inpatient substance abuse treatment include the following:

  • Medical supervision during detox in Florida to manage withdrawal symptoms
  • Access to different forms of therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy and nontraditional forms of therapy
  • Support groups of people pursuing similar goals
  • Time and space exclusively dedicated to focusing on your mental and physical needs

5 Tips to Prepare for Residential Addiction Treatment?

Here are five ways you can prepare yourself for inpatient rehab.

1. Take Care of Work and Family Obligations

Inpatient treatment usually requires you to stay at least a month at a treatment facility, which means you’ll be unable to do your part at home and your job. Ensuring all your obligations are fulfilled will help you focus better during treatment.

Inform family members and friends of your decision to check into a rehab center. Tell your spouse or partner, children, parents and other close relatives where you’ll be, how long and how they can support you during the recovery journey.

Take a medical leave from your job and tell your employer or supervisor why so they can support you and safeguard your job until you return.

2. Tie Up Any Financial or Legal Loose Ends

You need a clear mind to participate successfully in different therapies during your residential treatment stay. Tying up legal and financial obligations will eliminate stress and help you focus on these treatment programs.

Talk to a lawyer about your legal troubles and set a plan to handle them. Pay bills and loans or arrange for someone to take care of them during your inpatient program. Tell them you’re entering rehab to avoid being penalized for not checking in on future dates if you have a parole officer.

3. Make a List of Things You Want to Accomplish After Rehab

Having something to look forward to after treatment can motivate you during your inpatient stay. Write down everything you want to accomplish after treatment, including ways to improve your personal, social and professional life. You should also set milestones for aftercare so you can participate in programs that’ll help you maintain sobriety.

4. Make Sure You’ve Packed the Essentials

What you bring to a rehab facility goes a long way in providing comfort during your stay. While most rehab centers will tell you what to bring to residential treatment, you’ll need essentials such as:

  • Identification documents
  • Cash and credit cards
  • List of emergency contacts
  • Any medications
  • Comfortable shoes such as sneakers and slippers
  • Clothing such as underwear, pajamas, exercise clothes, jeans, tops and warm sweaters or jackets
  • Alcohol-free toiletries such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, lotion, sunscreen and makeup
  • Pictures, letters and mementos from loved ones
  • Entertainment such as books and internet-free audio players

5. Spend Time With People You Love

Inpatient treatment can be lengthy, so spend quality time with your loved ones before entering treatment. Make good memories, reassure them of your love and make a plan to keep in touch throughout your treatment program. Such efforts provide a support system you can rely on during inpatient and outpatient treatment.

The Importance of a Positive Support Network in Recovery at Summit Detox

Drug addiction is a personal and social problem, and so is recovery. The type of people around you can make or break your chances of long-term sobriety, which is why Summit Detox provides the best community when you receive treatment at our facility. We have a team of experienced professionals and support staff who can support you through the highs and lows of an inpatient detox program and addiction treatment. Our positive support network includes people on a similar journey who can motivate you and keep you accountable throughout the pursuit of sobriety.

Are you ready to receive detox in Florida? Call us today at (888) 995-5265 to see which programs the professional team at Summit Detox recommends. You can also verify your insurance coverage online, so you’re ready to act quickly on expert suggestions and begin your journey to recovery.

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