
Weed Drug Abuse

marijuana and paraphernalia on a table of person with weed drug abuse

As more states legalize marijuana use, weed drug abuse continues to skyrocket. Currently, marijuana is the most commonly used psychotropic drug in the U.S. As of 2018, nearly 12 million users age 18 to 24 used marijuana over the last 12 months. To complicate the problem, vaping has made smoking weed more popular a widespread as it continues to penetrate popular culture and become more accepted.

Regardless of efforts made to increase education, treatment, and law enforcement, weed drug abuse is prevalent in users of all ages and across various social backgrounds. However, as users start to see the realities of substance abuse, they are waking up to the negative effects of the problem. Rest assured there are drug detox programs in Florida to help you recover from weed drug abuse.

How Do People Consume Marijuana Today?

Like any other drug, users often experiment with marijuana to discover new ways of consuming the drug. The main reason for this is to optimize its euphoric effects. Inhaling weed through rolled joints or pipes is still the most popular way of using marijuana. In addition, people now use vaporizers (vapes) as a way to inhale marijuana.

Vapes are popular because they allow a user to inhale marijuana through vapor and not smoke. The perception is that it is safe – although current studies are now proving otherwise. Users also mix marijuana with food, such as brownies, candy, or cookies. They may also brew it as tea. In addition, they may eat THC resins known as marijuana extracts. Forms of extracts include hash oil, wax, budder, or shatter.

Why Do People Abuse Weed?

Marijuana has both short and long-term effects on the brain. When a user smokes marijuana, it produces a hallucinogenic effect that typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. This feeling is addictive. As such, a user may continue smoking weed for several months or years, slowly increasing the dosage and frequency over time.

Addiction occurs as the user forms a dependency on the substance. They may get to the point where they feel as though they cannot get through the day without a hit. Signs of weed drug abuse include:

  • An obsession with marijuana and stoner culture
  • Drug paraphernalia that seems to accumulate
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home, work, and school
  • High throughout the day, every day
  • Changes in behavior, mood, appetite, and sleep

When a person becomes addicted to weed, they center their entire life around the drug. It becomes part of their identity. They often go to places where weed is present or spend time with others who use marijuana.

If marijuana use leads to polysubstance abuse, detox centers provide multiple programs like opiate and codeine detox to start the path to addiction treatment.

Treatment for Weed Addiction

Although a weed addiction can become severe, it is often easier to quit using than other drugs. Furthermore, withdrawal symptoms are mild and only last a few days. Primary withdrawal symptoms are often more psychological than physical. They may include slight anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, or mild depression.

Learn More About Weed Drug Abuse

If you would like to learn more about weed drug abuse, then contact Summit Detox. We offer a wide range of treatments for marijuana and other substance. Call (888) 995-5265 to find out how you can get started with your treatment.

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